BEC recording - A Natural Woman

Last night we had approx 30 BEC singers on Flock. This is the first time we have sung an entire song with Flock. Up until now the focus has been more on testing and all of us getting comfortable with the technology and so we had previously sung only short phrases or the chorus of a song.

So this is a real milestone for us! Lots still to work on - particularly in relation to the overall ‘mix’ and different mic levels, but that said, we are feeling extremely happy and excited with the result.

Also interesting is a noticeable improvement regarding the accumulated micro-delays that we’ve previously experienced… that sensation of everything slowing down as a song progresses. We found that two things last night helped us substantially to reduce these accumulated micro-delays.

  1. @edaldcroft using the piano to “conduct” - in a few parts needing to play ahead
  2. choir members being more confident with this song, so less waiting to hear when others sing

Let us know your thoughts and comments!


It was such a powerful emotional connecting experience to sing together again with a song that I adore and am familiar with. I had been feeling ill all day and it lifted me right up, so grateful - especially living solo in isolation, the need for the healing experience of music was definitely food for my soul!

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