Choir Section Naming

How do I change the SATB sections to the terms that I use with my choir?

Hi ! and thanks for trying Flock.

At the moment it’s hard-coded to SATB.

What terms do you use with your choir and what would you like to see? We can add to our feature request list.

It would be really good if the leader could input the names they want at the beginning of the session. I have four choirs (3 mixed, one upper voices) so depending on what we’re doing need SATB, SSATB, SA, SSA, SSAA etc
Are you sticking to 4 options for now?

Hi Helen

At the moment, it’s just those 4. It’s on the request list to add other configurations and I’ve noted the list of options that you need.

FYI - Flock currently uses the Sections in 3 ways:

  1. Visual layout - Singers and the Leader can see who is in each section
  2. The Leader can mute/unmute/change the volume of each section in the global mix
  3. The Leader also has a hear my section louder feature. When this is set at 100%, Singers hear all sections at equal volume. When this is set for example at 50% then a Tenor will hear the Tenors at regular volume and will hear the other sections at half volume. Same applies for the other sections.


Thanks. 4 sections is good and I can always ask my ladies choir to join S A T etc so it’s not a problem.
Where is the “hear my section louder” bit? I can see mix in sections box (currently un ticked) and there is a slider currently set on 0.7 called other section volume in the audio section - is that it?

Yes, you need to tick the Mix in sections box and then the Other section volume slider is the one I referred to above. A setting of 1.0 means all sections get the same mix. A setting of 0.5 means that each section gets a separate mix in which the other sections are at 50% volume.