Enquiry on test result before using Flock

Dear Team,

I am new to Flock and I was wondering if you can help me out to start using.

When I ran a test, the result showed that the Central server can reach the flock app is not satisfaction level.

Central server can reach the flock app?

This is a test of can the central server connect back to the Flock app. If you are getting a red light on this test, there are a few possible reasons:

  • The most likely reason is that a firewall on your computer is blocking the incoming connection from the central server. Try turning off your firewall and run the Health check test again. If you then get a green light when re-running the Health check, you will need to re-enable the firewall and add an exception to your firewall to allow an incoming connection to the Flock app.

----- It was OFF already. So this is not the reason.

  • If you are on a professionally-managed network (e.g. corporate or university network) as opposed to a home network, it is possible that all incoming traffic is blocked by IT Administration. Please speak to your IT Administration for assistance. Note that Flock does not use a fixed port for incoming connections.

----- It is a personal computer, so there is no blocking.

  • If you have a very old router, it may not support the capabilities needed for our central server to connect back into the Flock app. We use an available network port on your router to connect from inside your network to our server, and then our server tries to connect back to that same port on your router. Most modern Internet routers support this capability, but there can be older routers or network set ups that don’t support or permit this method of communication.

------ This may be the reason but I just made a contract with our wifi provider a year ago, so it can be too old.

If that’s the case, what would you think we can do to solve the issue?

I use a Mac book.

Thank you for your help!!

I have a new Router and a Fiber connection. How exactly do I troubleshoot this further? I have control of my router but usually i need an IP address of the Central Server to put that into the router to allow that traffic but you aren’t listing an IP address?